有个flink SQL的内存溢出的问题,怎么解决?我在 explain 一条比较复杂的SQL报oom,
SQL中大约10张Iceberg表,约30次left Join操作
jobmanager.memory.process.size 是 5g,报错提示增加jobmanager.memory.heap.size但是增加到30g后也无效
Caused by: java. lang. OutfMemoryError: Java heap space. A heap space-related out-of-memory error has occurred. This can mean two things: either Flink Master requires a larger size of JVM heap space or there is a memory leak. In the first case,
“jobmanager memory. heap.size can be used to increase the
amount of available heap memory. If the problem is not resolved by increasing the heap size, it indicates a memory leak in the user code or its dependencies which needs to be investigated and fixed. The Flink Master has to be shutdown…