这个是报的错 FunctionCompute python3 runtime inited. FC Invoke Start RequestId: 94437b69-95ec-44ba-9450-6b816f6ac0e1 OpenBLAS WARNING – could not determine the L2 cache size on this system, assuming 256k get ‘220 Microsoft FTP Service
‘ resp ‘220 Microsoft FTP Service’ cmd ‘USER WMZ-FTP’ put ‘USER WMZ-FTP\r
‘ get ‘331 Password required for WMZ-FTP.
‘ resp ‘331 Password required for WMZ-FTP.’ cmd ‘PASS ***********’ put ‘PASS ***********\r
‘ get ‘230 User logged in.
‘ resp ‘230 User logged in.’ cmd ‘CWD /ImportData/email_hexiao/’ put ‘CWD /ImportData/email_hexiao/\r
‘ get ‘250 CWD command successful.
‘ resp ‘250 CWD command successful.’ cmd ‘TYPE I’ put ‘TYPE I\r
‘ get ‘200 Type set to I.
‘ resp ‘200 Type set to I.’ cmd ‘PASV’ put ‘PASV\r
‘ get ‘227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,204,197,115).
‘ resp ‘227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,204,197,115).’ cmd ‘RETR email_lists_20230117.csv’ put ‘RETR email_lists_20230117.csv\r
‘ get ‘150 Opening BINARY mode data connection.
‘ resp ‘150 Opening BINARY mode data connection.’ get ‘425 Cannot open data connection.
‘ resp ‘425 Cannot open data connection.’ FC Invoke End RequestId: 94437b69-95ec-44ba-9450-6b816f6ac0e1
这个是报的错FunctionCompute python3 runtime inited.FC[阿里云函数计算]
可以参考这个文档排查下 https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/469611.html#section-mox-wye-qeg