这个是报的错FunctionCompute python3 runtime inited.FC[阿里云函数计算]

这个是报的错 FunctionCompute python3 runtime inited. FC Invoke Start RequestId: 94437b69-95ec-44ba-9450-6b816f6ac0e1 OpenBLAS WARNING – could not determine the L2 cache size on this system, assuming 256k get ‘220 Microsoft FTP Service
resp ‘220 Microsoft FTP Service’ cmd ‘USER WMZ-FTP’ put ‘USER WMZ-FTP\r
get ‘331 Password required for WMZ-FTP.
resp ‘331 Password required for WMZ-FTP.’ cmd ‘PASS ***********’ put ‘PASS ***********\r
get ‘230 User logged in.
resp ‘230 User logged in.’ cmd ‘CWD /ImportData/email_hexiao/’ put ‘CWD /ImportData/email_hexiao/\r
get ‘250 CWD command successful.
resp ‘250 CWD command successful.’ cmd ‘TYPE I’ put ‘TYPE I\r
get ‘200 Type set to I.
resp ‘200 Type set to I.’ cmd ‘PASV’ put ‘PASV\r
get ‘227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,204,197,115).
resp ‘227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,204,197,115).’ cmd ‘RETR email_lists_20230117.csv’ put ‘RETR email_lists_20230117.csv\r
get ‘150 Opening BINARY mode data connection.
resp ‘150 Opening BINARY mode data connection.’ get ‘425 Cannot open data connection.
resp ‘425 Cannot open data connection.’ FC Invoke End RequestId: 94437b69-95ec-44ba-9450-6b816f6ac0e1


=====这是一个广告位,招租中,联系qq 78315851====
1 条回复 A 作者 M 管理员
  1. 这个错误提示可能是由于函数服务无法连接到FTP服务器,或者FTP服务器拒绝了函数服务的连接请求。建议您检查FTP服务器的配置,确保FTP服务器可以正常接受函数服务的连接请求。